Karcero : API Documentation

Type Map<T>

Namespace Karcero.Engine.Models

Public instance methods

T GetAdjacentCell(T cell, Direction direction, int distance)

IEnumerable<T> GetAllAdjacentCells(T cell, bool includeDiagonalCells)

Dictionary<Direction, T> GetAllAdjacentCellsByDirection(T cell)

T GetCell(int row, int column)

Returns the cell in a specified location.
int row
The row of the desired cell.
int column
The column of the desired cell.
The desired cell if exists, null otherwise.

IEnumerable<T> GetCellsAdjacentToRoom(Room room, int distance)

Get the cells adjacent to all of the edges of the room specified in a certain distance.
Room room
The desired room.
int distance
The desired distance (defaults to 1).
A collection of all of the cells adjacent to all of the edges of the room specified in the desired distance.

IEnumerable<T> GetRoomCells(Room room)

Get the cells the specified room is comprised of.
Room room
The desired room.
The cells the specified room is comprised of.

bool IsLocationInRoom(int row, int column)

Returns true if a cell location is inside any room on the map.
int row
The desired row.
int column
The desired column.
True if the specified location is in any room on the map.

bool TryGetAdjacentCell(T cell, Direction direction, T& adjacentCell)

Public properties

IEnumerable<T> AllCells get;

A collection of all of the cells in the map generated with a LINQ operation (order not guaranteed).

int Height get; set;

The height of the map.

List<Room> Rooms get; set;

A collection of rooms that the are contained in the map.

int Width get; set;

The width of the map.